Desperate For Change

Desperate For Change

It was late 2014 when I realized my life needed to change. Not that I was doing off the wall activities, but something wasn’t right, something was missing. I always went through the motions of going to Sunday school, church, and praying to the point that I didn’t notice it had become just routines for me. 

I remember sitting in Sunday school and Pastor Bunton was encouraging us to do what was necessary to make a positive change in our lives for the upcoming year. He gave us a list of books to read. Me being an avid reader and eager for a change, I took that list and put it to great use.

One of the first books I read was As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. The first three things I jotted down were:

·        "Action is the blossom of thoughts and joy and suffering are its fruits."

·        "Pure thoughts: joy will follow"

·        "I am the master of my thought(s), the molder of my character, and the maker and shaper of my condition, environment, and destiny."

Following those notes, I wrote down a powerful scripture from Proverbs 23:7: For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. He says to you, “Eat and drink,” Yet his heart is not with you.

I meditated on those things and read it until I believed it.  As I continued to read I began to realize how far I had allowed my life to drift into a direction full of negative thoughts. Where were my pure thoughts? Where was my joy? I always told myself I would be happy if I was working in my career field. Truth is I doubt I would be. I mean I would be happy, but during my time of change I grew closer to God and developed a relationship with Him that I needed. That alone was the greatest feeling. The joy I get from knowing how much God cares for us is just overwhelming.

There were several other books that I read, from the list the pastor gave us, which inspired me such as Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell, Good to Great in God’s Eyes by Chip Ingram and The Science of Being Great by Wallace Wattles.

Of the three, my favorite was Failing Forward. Failing Forward is a book that motivates you to change. It lifts you up, reminds you of how much authority God has given you, and you can do whatever it is that your heart so desires.

Some of my notes included the following:

·        Don’t let my learning lead to knowledge; let my learning lead to action.
·        Persistence is the little difference that makes a big difference when it comes to falling forward.
·        No matter how many opportunities I’ve missed or mistakes I’ve made don’t ever make excuses. Take responsibility.

Some scriptures I jotted down along the way included: Romans 8:6, 12:2, Jeremiah 29:11 and Colossians 3:2.

After reading those books my scripture bank began to enlarge too. Whenever I found my mind starting to drift back to a place that God had delivered me from I was able to remind myself of what He said and speak life into that thought and situation. I began to push myself even more.

So as I continue to change and grow I encourage you to continue on your journey as well. However, if you’re like I once was, wanting to change but not sure where to start etc. I want to encourage you to read one of the books I listed above. I promise you they are worth your time and you will be inspired.

Keep the trend going and encourage one another to change and grow!

I am a Kent State University graduate from Northwest Georgia with a dream of becoming a reporter or working in the media/journalism field. I am the second oldest of four siblings who were blessed to be raised by both parents, who are still happily married today. I have a loving and supportive boyfriend, a niece and a nephew.

I focus daily on being a better person in all aspects of my life: spiritually, personally and professionally. I am a very ambitious and self-motivated individual who is always looking for ways to better myself.

My main goal in life is to be happy and successful at whatever I set out to do. In order to accomplish my goals, I must think positive, be positive and believe that positive things will happen.

-Stephanie McCombs

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