In Pursuit of Perfection

You are unlimited

Have you ever interviewed for a job and you knew that you were a top candidate. In fact you are actually over qualified for this particular position and you didn’t get the job. You dressed the part, created the best resume possible, mailed in a thank letter, shook hands and smiled. You researched all possible questions and answers. You killed the interview and you didn’t make the cut.

Days later you aren’t sure what went wrong. You have worked your butt off all year to land this interview. Why is this happening? There are many answers to this question but one only comes to mind. Timing…  If you are like us, you may be highly competitive, goal driven, and determined to be the best at all you do.  That sounds like a pretty good employee, right?  Nobody likes rejection or feeling defeated but we may have those feelings when things don’t go as we plan.  With rejection or denial of something you want, you can either ask why me, compare someone else’s accomplishments with yours, or simply get back in the lab & improve upon your craft.  Going with the latter isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it is definitely fulfilling.  Our goal is to keep a positive mindset, stay hungry, and remain in the constant pursuit of perfection.

That sounds like it’s pretty easy to handle, right?  Not quite, but you are making the right steps by evaluating how to improve your circumstances.  Stay motivated and seek knowledge by staying on your feet and remaining prepared.  Network with individuals who have achieved the goals you are seeking. Continue to research and work towards being better than you were at the last interview.  Most importantly, look at all interviews as a win-win.  If you get that position, of course that is a win!  If you don’t, it’s still a win!  Do you know why it’s still a win?  You just got rewarded an opportunity to market yourself and get your name out there.  So go in there and give it 100% no matter what.  Lock in, stay hungry, and consider all interview opportunities a win-win.

Our challenge to everyone is to stay positive, share knowledge with each other, and remain in constant pursuit of perfection in everything that you do.  Doors will either open up, or you will knock them down.  Thank you for reading our post & feel free to make comments!

~Marcus & Imari


  1. I have an interview next week... this is definitely on time!

    Thank you!
