Sharing Success as a Team
Hi guys! Welcome back to our blog. A few days ago I asked my husband if he thought that we were equally yoked during our first year of marriage. Often times we look back and we are so amazed at our growth as a couple. It wasn’t that we argued or didn’t live peacefully but some things just were not in sync. We have noticed that with each year we grow closer and our faith grows stronger. The more time we invest in our spiritual relationship, the more our physical relationship flourishes.  Let’s get back to the question of being equally yoked. What does it mean? Our interpretation is basically being on the same page when it comes to faith, goals, finances, family, and pretty much everything when it concerns your relationship.

How important is it to be equally yoked?

It is extremely important! This basically means that you all are functioning on the same page. You are with someone who complements you and you both give life to each other. This person enhances you. They believe in your goals and want to chase them with you. This person is a perfect fit for where you are currently in life and they are able to transition to fit your destiny.

There is definitely a lot of work and individual growth that is involved because no circumstance is always perfect.  Several trials may come your way in the form of distractions, workplace foolishness, or even fearing failure.  It’s all a test of your endurance and wiliness to persevere, communicate with each other, encourage each other, and live selflessly with empathy for one another.  That was pretty easy, right?  Not exactly, but we know some things happen swiftly and other things take time.  Hold tight everyone and enjoy the ride because there is nothing more special than sharing success as a team. 

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