The Daily Dose 101

Wow I can't believe that this year has come to an end.  2016 has been an eye opener and taught us so much about ourselves. Life obviously wasn't created to be easy for any of us but when you surround yourself with the right people it's not as hard as it appears. We all experience setbacks at some point in our lives. It may be financial, mental, or physical so it is important to remember that it isn't the end all. These challenges are here to help us grow into better individuals. Sometimes you have to get into a really uncomfortable place to get to where you want to be. You know what they say.... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 

2016 has been a humbling experience for me. I learned that there are some things you just do not have control over. You may not have a quick fix for every obstacle that comes your way, but at the end of the day you manage to remain persistent and overcome those obstacles.

As couples we often face challenges or roadblocks. These events are often considered a test of your faith and commitment as life partners in all circumstances. These tests can strengthen your relationship or weaken it, bringing division and poor communication. The most important thing to remember when going through any situation, good or bad is to communicate!! You have to remain calm and keep those channels of communication open. It's so rewarding when you can sit down and open up or even vent about your feelings. This opens the door and paints a clear picture for your significant other and allows both of you to be on one accord.

2016 may have had a few challenges but it is a blessing to know that you made it through stronger and ready for whatever comes your way. To our readers, we wish you many blessings in the New Year, open lines of communication with any relationship in your life, and most of all happiness.

Share your goals for 2017 with us below in the comments:


  1. Beautiful sentiment. My goals for 2017? Hmmm. Take better care of my health so I can be there for the ones I love. Be intentional in all areas of my life, not just waiting for things to happen. Tell the people I love that I love them. I love you! :-)

    1. Aww thank you!! We love you too! Those are great goals!!
