Growing Stronger Together

Multiple Sclerosis

Hi guys! Welcome back to our blog. Today I wanted to touch on the subject of what exactly happens when your spouse is diagnosed with a chronic disease. Of course, everyone has a different experience but this is our viewpoint and we hope that it will help others that may be experiencing something similar.

On our wedding day, we recited vows promising for better or worse, richer or poor, and in sickness and health. At some point during a marriage, some or all of these vows will play out. No one really wants to see the latter of these but it’s simply a part of life. When your spouse is diagnosed with an illness it can be exhausting, stressful, and a bit overwhelming at times. These things can cause distance and unwanted feelings in a marriage.  

Oddly for us being diagnosed with MS has made us stronger as a couple. We have had some long nights, many hospital stays, financial impairment, and many tears.  Holding on to each other has been the one constant that has allowed us to overcome our trials.  At the end of the day, we are in this battle together and it is so important to function as a team within our marriage.  Click here see how we define being “equally yoked” and its importance when situations like this occur.

Multiple Sclerosis

Our ability to function as a team has allowed us to grow together and endure more than we could have imagined.  Things in life may challenge your faith and ability to stay encouraged and positive.  Those adversities can also serve to strengthen your faith, teamwork, communication and overall mindset.  We can attest that things may not always go as planned and there will be moments when you will face a test.  Adversity can strengthen your character and produce the results you believe in by working as a team.  Healthy communication, discussing goals, and spending more time together as a family has been something truly rewarding for our home.  Unforeseen moments may come but stay encouraged and remember your joy is shared as a team as well!


  1. What a way to start the year. Amazing post. Thanks for sharing your story. It let's married couples know they are not the only ones facing some type of adversity, but they can grow stronger while facing it together. Best wishes for a prosperous year!

    1. Thank you! Same to you! Thanks for reading our blog.

  2. Love the symbolism of the thread. "And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart." Ecclesiastes 4:12 That third, and most important, strand is your relationship with God! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for such a beautiful comment!! Great words and scripture. We appreciate it!!
